Thursday, August 23, 2012

kembar yg terlewat 18 tahun.

bru2 ni ayah sdare aku blik dri doha(where he have been living since i dont know how many years).
and brought together his new baby which had been born with the same date as mine.24th i assume her as my twin which  delayed.hahah



hri tu dah janji kan nak msuk msuk lah.okay.
here,at matrics,i have soo many friends.but the one i called friend is the one who went through all the tough and bad time together.ok sorry merepek.tanpa buang mase,this is my friend i befriend since my first registration day~
this is me,nana and tirah.they are my roomates

nana,me and pheya.but she had left us :(

kak long and study and gelak besar2 friend.

classmate during last iftar.

bring the girls out!

hmm thanks friend for keeps me motivate to study here.i love you guys :")

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

nah untuk kau yang bername ****

its been so long~!

ya i know
ive been not writing for a very longgggggggggg time
busy?not really.
the thing is, i FORGOT that i have a blog.when i visited my friends blog then i remember.
this 2 months and a half had been a tough year for me. 
28th may 2012
 i entered KMNS.
my expectation,dont worry wouldnt be hard.
but it was only a wish.
sape kate snang matrik ni memang nak kena siggung*.
memang hard hidup sini.but dgn dorongan motivasi from 
along angah ateh
kwn seseri yg lain*byk sgt
faiz(perlu ke?)
and most importantly

my spirit that keeps me motivate.

nant bile ade mase ill post gmbr kt mtriks plak .tkde mase la skrg.ok?k bubye.pray for me.

Sunday, May 13, 2012


ok disebabkan sejak due menjak sy kurg berselera makan,,sy pun nak tulis psl makanan.
eh,taw tak berat sy dah turun 10 1 kg. heheh.
so mane taw dgn post pasal makanan kegemaran sy ni boleh la sy berselera makan hendaknye.

ok kite mulekan dgn bnde WAJIB ade dlm peti sejuk iaitu...

oh tak dapat saye bayangkan ape jadi dlm hidup klu takde bnde alah ni.ya ya ya.byk lemak  dan mengemuk ini lah dadah sye.ok ape?

ni pun same sedap.ok taw lagi sklai gigi boleh rompang tp sy suke bnde bukan nak bgge taw tp sy tkde lg gigi lubang taw.dr.sheikh muszaphar ckp ,klu nak jd angkasawan tk boleh ade gigi yg pernah bertampal.haaa sy lah pasni.

ni pulak biskut feveret sy.ouh lupe dgn chipsmore skali.kat hostel memang stok wajib lah.tiap minggu tk putus bekalan bnde alah ni.ehehe.

ni pun feveret sy.nyum2.ok persan lah sume yg sy suke sume manis2 dan lemak2 tp apekan dye.nasib bdan tk berlemak2.manis ade lah.ehe

ni plak maggi yg sy suke.die tk macm mggi .eh ape beza?ok same je.try la rase dan alami perbezannye.

ok fast food fast food~
ni lg stu kalori yg sy suke.ayam ayam ayam!

ok ni seken hutttt!

ouh tp sy tak suke mc donald .pelik bukan?ok tk pelik sgt =_='

ok tkyah ckp.sumpe pun tahu ni spaghetti.sedap ,bukan?

ok homemadeeee <3

sy org malaysia . makanan sy tak sah tanpa...
cair air liur naaa

syur pulak sy suke

pucuk paku masak lemak!! omaigadd!

ok lauk lauk...adoi cair bona da air liur ni...

 sedapnye ayam bakar dgn..

ikan patin!!!! oh sy adelah diehardfan ikan patin.*im proud to be born in PAHANG!* ayat bajet patriotisme

tapi...bagi bakal suami saye,,,adalah dinasihatkan untuk tidak mengambil...

TOLONGLAH. saye anti benda di atas ni.ohmaii.sggup sy ptus tunang dri mghidu mereka.ahaha.kojam tak kojam seriously,,,alah lah bnde di ats.dear future-hubby,will ya?*merayu

ok rasnye smpai disini saje kot.*niadelahkesandrikebosananmelampau
sekian dan terime kasih.

positive amirah positive!

ok...disebabkan kite masih dalam minggu upu...i will let this out.
ok memang.MEMANG.MEMANG saya jeles tgok org lain dpt u sane,dpt u sini,dpt biasiswa sane.
tp ape boleh buat.bak kate aliza,bacelah surah AL-INSYIRAH.
segale jawapan ade di sy just nak pikir positif je.klu korg tgk down,ayat2 di bawah memang bgus tuk korg.terutame nye saye.


btul kan? all you just need iss...

yeah! kesabaran dan kegigihan yg tinggi....ok last skali... yg plin sy suke..

*eh ape tetibe ni?=_="


selamat hari mak!(bukan hari ibu eh)

di sebabkan hari ibu haram di hati tetap ade niat nak cakap(sebab tgok org sume dok celebrate smpai beli2 kek bagai)


i love you with all my heart ROSIDAH BINTI ABDUL BASID.
mintak maaf sbb mnjdi anak yg dgil dan malas tp sy tetap syg mak .heheh.

dgn ini sy mganugerahkan hadiah kpd anda....

heheh.above all these...bak kate whitney houston,, I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU <3


Saturday, May 12, 2012

where will i heading to?

and so result upu pun da kuar.
haha tak perlu rasenye share kat sini kot.sape yg taw tu taw lah.yg penting memang mgalir air mate selaju air terjun niagara tuh.
n above all this,saye pun sebulat hati mcm bulat nye kpale doraemon nak msuk matriks.yep sy ulang MATRIKULASI. d mane??

come on nogoie!
mule2 mmg la konpius mcm ni=

tapi demi cita2 yg nak jugak jadi bidan bersalin,saya gagahkan kaki ini ke matriks.well,mungkin belajarnye tough tp sy akan cube sbb im really dying to be a doctor.tolonglah bg sy second chance.


mak dgn ayah yg redha dgn kputusan sy dan bagi galakan moral dan kewangan.i will never  break ur heart once again.

kakak2 sy yg bagi kate2 smgt bile sy mngis di talian.korg memang kakak yg best.sorry sbb kecewakan korg.angah ateh along i love you!

kawan yg tak putus2 bg kate smgt,kol just semate2 nak bgtaw kelebihan sume ni.sibuk nak bg borg rayuan ke uia,nak buat kan surat.thanks bro saed,thanks faiz,thanks ma,thanks kak muni, thanks mijie,thanks kak fatn,thanks amira,thanks kama.thanks korg!

beddy yg bg mesej panjgn berjela utk naikkan smgt padahal time tu org da tido.thanks sgt taw.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

PLKN here we go ~!

ok...da lame tak update ini belog...well here i come.
on 2 jan 2012 -18 mac 2012
i went to participate in a national service
namely Program Latihan Khidmat Negara 
at Kem Titian Bintangor Rembau,Negeri Sembilan.
at my first thought,,memang malang la dpt plkn,,tapi selepas mnjalani hari2 yg best..bru aku thu,
takperlucakap banyak,here are those reasons knape plkn is a must-go-to camp.hahah

this is my dorm.dorm pling hujung wirawati.mase first time smpai sesat kot nk crik dorm ni.hahah.dsebabkan kitorg pling hujung,,kitorg slalu buat perkara dormatenye best gile.sume gile.chinese pun lbih kurg je.
ni kat luar.cantik.byk bunge.rase mcm kat luar ngare.smbil jln di iringi kitorg pun jln dgn megahnye.sbb tu lah DELTA SLALU LAMBAT.hahah.

this is our dorm.memanjang.stu dorm ade 24 org.kalah roomate sume kpale gile2.

ni loker sye.haha tiap mggu kne cek aw dorm kitorg so spe tk ok siap kne pggil dgn gmbr loker dsbbkan gmbr loker akan dtayangkan kne la hias2 .hahah prepare sblum mlu.knp amir? SEBAB AMIRah.

ni kompeni yg sye tinggl.gue org delta.DELTA CREW.hehe.wlupun kitorg SLALU KALAH tp kitorg ke?hahah.tgoklah ahli2 gue MIA AB.

ni buku yg kene bg.kelas ade 4.slalu jumpe ramai kelas pling best CB6.hehe kelas pling lame n pling best.sbb ...jumpe beddy."bestfriend"

ni DELTAWONDERGIRLS.hahahposing wktu gotong royong kot.haha.spe suruh ltk kitorg kt padang.jumpe plak bola golf bersepah2.haha

ni bju kitorg  slalu pakai.bju ni nmpak panas kn tp ni lah bju pling sjuk kitorg ade.inner girls tkleh pakai sbb jarang tpi kdg2 pakai je klu da terdesak sgt.

 ni baju kelas.klu nak g kelas je pakai bju ske pakai bju ni.nak plak dgn high heels.not my style lgsung =_=

ok mari sye kenalkan dgn kwn2 sye.bermule dgn kakak angkat sye--KAMALIA SUBOH.
she s tking good care of me mse kt sne.sgt.slah skit kne marah.kne tengking da msti sbb die syg i kan3?hahah

ni wktu kat surau.dri kiri hannah kama ema and ina :)

again kama, me, ryna 

ni adelah hasil kerje yg dibuat oleh maybelle .sgt rumit.sume pkai kertas.

dgn oc wirawati alphamerah.mika.tu bju alpha.cntik kn?tp dorg sempat pkai skali je.syian dorg.

dgn ina dan maybelle 

this is my oc wirawati delta.oshin aka mak ayam.dgn ina (the white one)

this is toc delta.hehe segak bergaye kan.fana namenye.garang doe.

this is too :)

this is wanting.our ketua dobi yg brdedikasi :)

with penari dorm aka micheal aka xinyi 

wan ting with tudung on her head :)looks a lot like malay aite?

 this is my first n last parent visit.hehe.segak tak sye?
with my sister yg bru 1 minggu blik dri japan.shes a dentist you all.hahah.berlagak kejap.

ok this is my best friend ros dgn temporary crush maybe?epi!

 this is bediuzzaman said nursi. beddy for short.heee
 beddy again .
 and again.
er? again.. =_= " haha. 

ni muke dorg time mngis.hahah frm left; ros(my best frenn) , too , zaty 

 ni muke lpas kawad panas 2 jam.hahah.gelap i know.skrg gue da putih.heheh

ni lah bju company kitorg. nmpak selekeh sbb pakai tudung tu.haha

segak kan kami?heheh klu nmpak smbr sy yg kt blakng skali.hahah

 ni waktu gile.heheh.

 ni plak WIRAJAYA.alah mcm campfire.first time kot.time ni ade fireworks skali.mmg memori terindah lah :)

 dan ni plak waktu penutupan.bling beret.penutup bg sgale nye dan yande kami tlah menamatkan
latihan dgn jayanya!!

overall plkn ni memang awesome.mmg la mase first2 dpt plkn kt skola dlu ngis,,tp skrg da kenal make tk cinte.despite kne kawad n makanan tak sedap,kitorg boleh je move on kat sini.sume sbb AKTIVITI dan KAWAN yg memang superb.ok dpt elaun memang sikit tp worth it sbb bergembira dpt duit,hahah.lg stu best sbb jd kurus kt sini .n bg pgalaman pling berharge iaitu ak tak pernah kwad seuumur hidup then di sini i live my life as a trainnee .berkawad smpai muke hitam .heheh. 4.5 stars lah utk plkn! sehingge bertemu lg !
*klu rjin ak update lg.pasal hala tuju pas ni plak.